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6 couches de doublure

1. Mousse de commutation IXPE

2. Plaque de mousse Poron

3. Mousse poron PCB

4. Interrupteur PET

5. Tampon PCB PET

6. Coussinet de boîtier en PET

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Just Upgrade your azoth75 seriously.

Awesome kit i bought the FR4 + Foam kit i did contact the chat here to ask a questionb btw plate differences and i was about to just order the plate but got told the foam kit was worth it and happy i did make the keyboard way better in all shape of forms, better thock, and a bit muted if you use the bottom poron i just LOVE IT. 10 x better than the original steel plate. thanks you so much!

Brandon Brown
Significant Upgrade

I got the FR4 plate and it completely brings the board to life. The stock steel plate turns any sharp or crisp notes into a horrible ping and mutes everything else. New plate really brings out the deeper tones and totaly eliminates all the undesirable pings.